Tag Archives: awards

Wonderful Team Readership Award and Liebster Award

11 Jan


Thank you, Chef Mimi for nominating me for the Wonderful Team Readership Award.  Check out Chef Mimi  Blog – you’ll find tons of wonderful mouth-watering recipes there.

The Rules:

1 Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you.

2 Acknowledge that blogger on your blog and link back.

3 Nominate 14 blogs for the award, a link to their blogs in your post, and notify them on their blogs.

4 Copy and paste the award on your blog somewhere.

My Nominees Are:

  1. Corina Lazarescu 
  2. Belladonic Haze
  3. What’s Cooking
  4. Source of Inspiration
  5. Kocsiska
  6. Michael Terrazas
  7. Prego and the Loon
  8. Pursuit of Life
  9. The Tarnished Spoon
  10. Marking Our Territory
  11. Living by Olivia
  12. Dear Ferrero
  13. Theflamboyante
  14. Monarch Mentoring


I was nominated for this by Paul Edward “Birchpoet”, here is a link to his lovely blog: Birchpoet’s Blog

Thank you!

The Rules: 

Answers to questions:

1. What makes you happiest?  To see others happy.
2. Do you love the Ocean or the Mountains more?  Both.  I grew up near mountains (Sub-Carpathian region) and love being the by ocean.
3. What has been your favorite moment of 2012?  My daughter’s University graduation.
4. What is your favorite quote and why?  “Dance as if no one were watching.  Sing as if no one were listening.  Love as if you’ve never been hurt.  Live every day as if it were your last”.  This quote covers it all in life 🙂
5. Do you like yourself?  If you can’t like yourself, you won’t be able to pleasant around people.
6. Do you stay up till the Stroke of Midnight on New Years Eve?  Absolutely!
7. Something you wish you get it done ASAP?  Learn a new Salsa routine.
8. What was your favorite class while still in school? Russian Literature.
9. What musical instrument have you tried to learn to play?  Piano – my parents made me do it but I wasn’t passionate about it.
10. Anything you wish you had learned earlier?  I discovered Salsa Dancing in my early 30s and wish I would have learned earlier.
11. Do you like to do crafts or draw or even paint?  Crafts.

My Nominees Are: 

  1. Boomdeeda
  2. borscht and babushkas
  3. Animalcouriers

Sunshine Blogger Award

30 Nov


A fellow blogger (and a cat owner!)  Rara at Rarasaur nominated me for a Sunshine Blogger Award.  Thank You!  Your nomination was a pleasant surprise; it means a lot to me.  What a sweet way to end November on such a positive note!

If you haven’t dropped by Rarasaur, I suggest you do and follow this blog. You will find some fun writing and special musings.  These are some of my favourite posts from her blog:

I made this: kitty scratch pad!

Weekly Photo Challenge: Why I Don’t Invite Milla Jovovich To Tea

Free Advice: How To Greet a VIP

Sunshine Blogger Award Rules

  1. Display the award logo on your blog.
  2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
  3. State 5 things about yourself.
  4. Pass the award onto 6 other bloggers and link to one of their specific posts so that they get notified by ping back.

5 Things About Me:

  1. I speak 4 languages  –  Russian, Ukrainian, English and Spanish.
  2. Stargazing Lilies are my favourite flowers.
  3. I love everything with coconut in it.
  4. Fall, especially in Ontario, is my favourite time of year.
  5. I was blown away by Iceland.  Moon-like landscapes, Blue Lagoon, volcanoes, northern lights, and geysers… it’s all so exotic to me.

Now I get to nominate 6 other people.  

They all have commented on my blog and I appreciate them.  Check them out, you won’t be disappointed 🙂

In no specific order:

Esengasvoice –  a poetic soul who shares her great insights with delicate words and stunning images

Adriennein365 – writes about projects she takes on and books she reads.

Urbancurator – brings inspiration and creativity to our daily lives.

Ladyornot – a gorgeous lady with a killer sense of humor.

Arlenshah – one extremely talented and a kind-hearted individual.

Skinnygirlsandmayo – love the name of his blogs,  his recipes, and witty writing.


I wish I could nominate more!